4 Fitness Tips For Those Trying To Get Back Into Shape

Elliptical Machines for Sale in Monmouth County NJ
Elliptical Machines for Sale in Monmouth County NJ

If you’re like many Americans, you’ve fallen a little behind when it comes to staying fit and active. Trust us, we’ve been there before!

But now you want to change things. You want to feel good about yourself again. You may even be prowling the Internet looking for elliptical machines for sale in Monmouth County to help you get there.

In other words, you’re ready to work.

Before you begin the hard work of getting active again, though, you have to live a healthier lifestyle. Here are four essentials to help you get there:

ONE: Eat Healthy

All fitness begins with healthy eating. Food is the fuel that keeps you going, so in order to maintain your workouts you have to keep yourself fueled up. You also need to keep yourself fueled up with good, healthy food, because no matter how good your workouts are, if you’re eating like crap you won’t make the progress you should. Stay focused on a good, balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables. Good eating habits will make your workouts far more effective!

TWO: Prepare Your Food In Advance

A great way to ensure you eat healthy is to prep your food in advance. Putting together your lunch the day before, for example, will prevent you from dashing out to a fast food joint when work gets busy. It also gives you more time to plan and consider what you’ll be eating. This is especially important if you have a big workout day coming up. You can fuel yourself properly beforehand, allowing you to maximize your time working out.

THREE: Watch Your Portions

A big part of eating healthy is not just what you eat, it’s how much you eat. You could have the healthiest lunch in the world, but if you’re eating three times as much as you should you’re defeating the purpose of eating right! Aim for pasta portions that are about the size of your fist, meat portions no bigger than your palm, and fruit/vegetable portions to match. A great way to help yourself maintain good portion control is to use small plates and bowls. Studies show that the larger the plate, the more people tend to serve themselves.

FOUR: Build More Mass

A basic part of re-sculpting your body overlooked by those new to the gym is building mass – and yes, it’s important even if your ultimate goal is to trim down! Remember, losing fat is only one part of fitness. Building muscle is just as important, if not MORE important. Increase your protein intake, then do weight workouts with a focus on having good form. Remember to include days of rest. Believe it or not, your muscles continue to build themselves while you rest. Before long your fat will start to be replaced with muscle.

Keep this stuff in mind and no matter what your goal is, you’ll get there. Now go ahead and buy that elliptical trainer for sale in Monmouth County , because you’re ready to start working out!

What Happens After You Apply For FEMA Assistance?

House Raising in NJ is Serious Business

Having just lived through Hurricane Sandy, many residents of New Jersey and the surrounding East Coast states have suddenly found themselves taking a crash course in how to apply for FEMA aid and what happens when you do. Most people don’t want to deal with government agencies on a good day, so it’s no surprise that when dealing with the aftermath of a widespread natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy, many found themselves ill equipped to deal with the pressures of figuring out how to successfully apply for and receive aid. Many had more immediate needs in mind, such as finding clothing and shelter, doing house repairs, or exploring the option of house raising in NJ to ensure they don’t get caught in future tidal flooding.

Thankfully, the reality is that applying for aid to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is easier than you expect. You may be busy coping with securing food, clothing, shelter and transportation, but if you can get access to a phone you can apply.

After you have applied, it is recommended that you create an account at disasterassistance.gov. While such an account is not required, having one will allow you to check the status of your application to FEMA, update your insurance and bank information so FEMA has the latest details, and add or update your contact information. In addition, you can also view and print correspondence from FEMA through the website.

You will get a copy of your application either through the mail or, if you opted to receive it digitally, through email or your disasterassistance.gov account.

When applying, please remember that FEMA assistance is intended for immediate needs or rebuilding and/or repairs not covered by your insurance. If you are one of the many doing house raising in NJ in order to get above future floods, it is unlikely FEMA aid will be available to you for that specific project. Apply, and budget your total funds, accordingly.

FEMA is going to review your documents, including your insurance (both homeowners and flood). Remember that FEMA assistance is intended to cover things your insurance does not cover. You can also expect an inspector to visit your property at some point to review your damage. In most cases, this is a mere formality. Generally speaking, only those trying to game the system need to worry about these inspections.

If you qualify for assistance, you should receive a check or direct deposit from FEMA very quickly, in some cases much quicker than you might expect.

If you do not qualify for assistance, you will receive a letter from FEMA explaining the reason for your denial. You do have the right to appeal if you disagree with the reason why you were denied.

When Mother Nature strikes, many will be inclined to look at the big picture first, thinking about house raising New Jersey, restorations, or even selling their home entirely. That approach is putting the cart before the horse. The first thing to do in the case of a federal disaster is to apply for aid.

3 Things No One Tells You About Buying Waterfront Homes

A Toms River Realtor Posing in Front of a Recently Sold Home

When it comes to finding a desirable place to live, few places are more desirable than properties on the water. People who live along the New Jersey coast know this well. With its abundant homes on the beach, bay and lagoons, there is a lot of waterfront property on the market and even more people competing to buy it.

Consider a Toms River Realtor when hunting for waterfront homes in the area.

However, buying waterfront property is not necessarily the same thing as buying property elsewhere. It comes with special considerations that must be taken into account before taking the plunge. Here are three things people often don’t tell you about buying waterfront property:

1) Pick A Property That Fits Your Lifestyle

People think that “waterfront” is one broad category, but the fact is, there is a lot of variety within that category. Understanding the differences between one kind of waterfront home and another should factor into your decision, since ideally you want a property that will fit your lifestyle. Some waterfront homes in Toms River are ideal for boating. Others are not ideally situated for boating but are ideal for entertaining guests. Some are close enough to the inlets so that you can access the ocean by water. Others are far enough away so that you’ll rarely make the trip. Some have spectacular views of the bay. Others are cozy and private lagoon homes. Any one of these could be your dream home, it’s just a matter of understanding your lifestyle and choosing a home that will fit it.

2) Research Local Zoning Restrictions

Waterfront property is not the same as property inland. It comes with its own rules, restrictions and zoning. Before buying, you’ll want to find out if you can put in a dock for that boat you plan on buying, or if the screened in back porch you want to build will be allowed (since sightlines are so important on the water), or if a pool is viable for the backyard, and so on. Knowing the answers to these questions before you buy can save you a lot of headache (and maybe money) in the long term.

3) Understand Your Insurance Requirements

In most cases, living on the water will involve insurance requirements above and beyond your normal homeowners insurance. Flood insurance is common and not something to fear – it’s also less costly than you might imagine – but it’s important for you to recognize the need for it all the same. In some cases, you might come across waterfront homes in Toms River that do not require flood insurance. In those cases, you will have to weigh the pros and cons of whether or not you want to forego flood insurance or purchase it anyway, even if it’s not required.

The good news about all three items is that they are not insurmountable obstacles or roadblocks, they are mere bumps that anyone can overcome if they truly desire to live someplace special.

And is there any place more special than a home on the water?



Basic Tips For Being A Dog Sitter

A Cool Dog at NJ Dog Daycare
A Cool Dog at NJ Dog Daycare

We’re all bound to encounter it at some point. A friend or family member is going to be out of town for a week and they need someone to watch their dog. That someone is you. But what do you do? You’re not a dog expert. Heck, you haven’t had a pet since that goldfish you had in sixth grade, and it died because you forgot to feed it for two weeks. How are you supposed to watch someone’s dog?

The truth is, it’s easy. With these simple dog sitting tips, even Snooki could run her own NJ dog daycare. Follow this advice and your dog watching days will be smooth and easy.

Maintain A Safe Environment – It’s great that you enjoy keeping the house at 101 degrees during the summer and like a yard full of sticky burrs, but a dog will like neither. Too much heat is bad for Rover, so keep the A/C on in the summer, and make sure your yard is free of foliage or debris that might hurt a dog. If you’re sitting the dog at the dog’s own home, great. You’re already halfway there.

Have A Sleeping Place For Them – If the dog is staying home and you’re just checking in on it, you have it made. Fido will already have his favorite spot to sleep. If Fido is staying with you, make sure they have a place that can be their spot. A crate or even just a soft old blanket in the corner should work great.

Get Some Doggy Toys – You can’t play with the dog 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but Rusty is going to want to. You can help keep Rusty busy with some doggy toys. You don’t have to go crazy with squeaky alligators and four-foot chew bones with leather holding straps and titanium mounts. A bouncy blue ball will do the trick.

That Dog Needs Exercise! – Don’t think you can just put Buddy in the yard and have that be that. Buddy needs to get some exercise! This is important for the dog’s health and happiness. If you’re playing at being a NJ dog daycare kind of guy, taking the dog out for a nice walk is great. So is a run in the park (many New Jersey towns now have dog parks made especially for our furry friends). But even something simple will do. Remember that bouncy blue ball? Go out into the yard and throw it around! Buddy will love you for it.

They Get Just As Thirsty As You Do – You already know that Spot can eat three times his own weight in chow every day, most of it ending up as giant stinky piles for you to clean up, but don’t skimp on the water. Dogs need to drink plenty, especially active dogs (you ARE keeping Spot active, aren’t you?), so be sure to keep their bowl filled with fresh, clean water.

It all seems like good common sense, doesn’t it? That’s because it is. With these tips in mind you’ll see that there is no reason to be intimidated by the prospect of playing NJ dog daycare for your friend or family member, because you’ve got it covered.

The History of the Vending Machine

vending-machineThe vending machine. They seem like a modern marvel. You put in a dollar bill and out springs cold drinks, snacks, hot coffee, and sometimes even a warm meal. It seems like something out of the Jetsons cartoons we watched as children.

But believe it or not, the vending machine has been around a lot longer than you might expect. We spoke to a vending machine company in NJ to get the lowdown on the long, rich history of the modern vending machine. We think you’ll find it fascinating.

Believe it or not, vending machines date back to the first century. Hero of Alexandria, born in the year 10 AD, invented a coin-operated machine that dispensed holy water. A coin dropped into the machine activated a weight-sensitive panel that allowed water to flow out. We don’t think there is a vending machine company in NJ that has a machine like that, though!

The modern vending machine took off during the Industrial Revolution. London, England played host to the first modern coin-operated machines in the 1880s. Rather than giving holy water or soda pop or candy, though, they dispensed something a little more boring: postcards. Right around the same time, Richard Carlisle, a publisher and printer in London, invented a vending machine for selling books.

By 1888, vending machines were introduced into the United States. The Thomas Adams Gum Company paved the way for them when they created machines designed to dispense candy. The first candy to come out of a modern vending machine? Tutti-Fruti gum, which is still sold today. The machines first appeared on News York City subway platforms.

A few years later, the Pulver Manufacturing Company jazzed up their version of the vending machine with little animated figures and statues. Their creation would morph over time and eventually lead to the modern slot machine and pinball game.

By 1909, round, hard-coated gum was invented specifically for coin-operated machines. Think of the classic red gumball dispenser with a bulbous glass filled with gumballs and you have the right idea. By the 1920s, almost anything you can imagine was coming out of vending machines. Stamps. Postcards. Cigars. Soda dispensed into a cup. Cigarettes. Vending machines were common and popular during this period – probably not the picture of the Great Depression you imagine! In the 1930s there was even a popular machine in England called the Penguincubator that stocked new paperbacks.

In fact, book vending machines were quite a hit for several decades both in England and the United States. The Book-O-Mat and Readomatic were both well known models that dispensed books from big publishers like Pocket Books. In the west, those machines have long since faded away, but they remain hugely popular in Japan, where vending machines stocking books, magazines and comics still do brisk business.

Here in the United States, a vending machine company in NJ or elsewhere will generally stick with snacks (chips, candy, etc.), coffee, and of course, cold drinks. For as modern as these conveniences seem, however, it’s amazing to consider that the modern vending machine was actually 2000 years in the making!

Impressive Facts About The World of Computers

A Brick NJ Computer Repair Technician

The headline above says “the world of computers,” but in truth the world of computers is OUR world. It’s the world we all live in. You’re reading this on a computer right now, after all. And don’t get smart with us – your smart phone or tablet is a computer, too!

Like anything else, computers have a rich history that sometimes has some unusual quirks and interesting stories. This includes fascinating people, unusual practices, and much more.

With that in mind, we’re going to present for you some of the most impressive computer facts we could muster up. Enjoy.

  • Alan Turing is considered the father of computer science. He helped break German ciphers during World War II, pioneered artificial intelligence and more. However, his life was a tragic one. Persecuted for homosexuality, he was forced to undergo chemical treatment and eventually committed suicide as a result.
  • Banks have some devious ways of getting your money. One of them is a program that ensures withdrawals from your account do not happen in chronological order. Instead, they happen from largest to smallest, that way your account drains faster and there is a better likelihood of overdrafts – and as a result, overdraft fees!
  • The 305 RAMAC was the world’s first “supercomputer” with a hard disk drive. Created in 1956 by IBM, the hard drive held just 5MB of data and yet weighed over a ton. Imagine having that in your house! You’d never get a Brick NJ computer repair service to visit if that was the case!
  • Computers get more and more powerful every day, but they still can’t compare to the human brain. In order to match up with your grey matter, a computer would have to be able to do 38 thousand trillion calculations per second – wow! – and would need over 3,500 TB of memory. Good job, brain!
  • Upwards of 95 percent of all mail in the US is sorted by computers. However, clerks are still needed to sort mail with messy addresses and writing, and boy do they have a big job. They must process upwards of 1,000 letters per hour. No wonder 20 percent of them quit within five weeks! Better to go into computer repair in Brick NJ instead.
  • The very first completely computer-generated scene in movie history came, appropriately enough, in a Star Trek movie. Specifically, it was the scene in The Wrath of Khan that demonstrated the use of the Genesis device. The studio that created the scene? It would eventually turn into Pixar.
  • Computer software knows people better than you do. The folks at MIT created software that can distinguish between a smile of happiness and a smile of frustration. Your significant other wishes you could do that!
  • You know what a CATCHPA is. It’s those annoying series of random letters and numbers you have to enter in order to use certain websites. But did you know what it stands for? “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.”

Can you think of any interesting computer facts we missed? We’re sure there are a lot of them. Ask your Brick NJ computer repair serviceman about some good computer trivia, then send them to us!